SWIFT Handicrafts was established by top notch industry professionals under the flagship of SWIFT Group(established in 1969) worth $10 million. SWIFT is a leading manufacturer and exporter of fashion jewellery, scarves, handbags and accessories and is recognized in the International market for its excellence in quality, product range, speed, reliability and sharpest prices.
Professional commitment & dedicated teamwork has established SWIFT today as proud supplier to a wide range of customers from large volume bulk buyers, catalogues customers, chain stores, boutiques and major high street stores across UK, Europe, USA & Canada.
We follow new high tech production process, high quality control, craftsmen creativity, time efficiency in delivering goods which needless to say environmental friendly and meet the International quality standards.
Dedicated Merchandising & Design Team: A separate team of young professionals is assigned specifically to each account to ensure timely correspondence and product development. Our in-house team specially develops collection based on each individual client’s theme keeping in line with the forthcoming trends & fashion forecasts.

Quality Policy

SWIFT strongly believes in the policy of quality assurance. It has been our continuous endeavour not to compromise with the quality of our products in any circumstances.
Our Quality Control and Assurance(QC &A) division is monitored by well qualified and experienced professionals, who conduct stringent quality checks at various stages of production process to ensure International quality standard of our products.
Total Quality Management by means of:
• Well laid processes and systems to ensure compliance & regular audit. Stringent quality control norms and standards are maintained by our trained personnel.
• Continuous emphasis on quality control at each level of production stage. Defined Quality Parameters/AQL Charts.
• A vigilant QA team, dedicated to continuous improvement of our products & services.
• Meticulous attention towards the quality of raw material procurement.
• In-house computerized data colour matching machine.
• In-house computerized Lead/Nickel testing machine.


• SWIFT is undergoing SA8000 certification which acts as an umbrella for all audits.
• SWIFT is a member of EPCH
• ISO 9001:2000 certified company
• Approved by Ministry of Commerce and Industries
• Audited by third party for ETI base code.
• Audited by third party for BSCI code of compliance.
• Has been awarded the Export House Status by Government of India.

Social Responsibility

We have identified all the national and international requirements for social and ethical standards. We have adopted several standards, like Ethical Trade Initiatives(ETI), Business Social Compliance Initiatives(BSCI), Social Accountability(SA-8000) Standard, country regulation and International Health, Safety and Environment requirement.
We have assigned a senior member of management, who is responsible for strict compliance of Ethical Trade Practices.
We maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We provide adequate medical facilities and protection from hazardous material or conditions. Emergency drills are conducted at regular intervals in our factory.
We have complete water recycling & reutilization by use of effluent treatment plant.
We support UNICEF and CRY at regular intervals and enforce on child education with the help of NGO’s & stake holders.


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